Social Security Planning


Postponing the beginning of your or your spouse’s Social Security benefits might increase your lifetime income by $300,000 to $500,000. Most Social Security applicants we meet are unaware of the opportunities available by strategically planning when and how to draw on their benefits. Social Security offices may not be set up to help you investigate all available options! We have proprietary planning software that may dramatically increase your retirement income over your lifetime.

At The Bradford Group Financial Service Co, we do a comprehensive review of every family’s Social Security estimates. If you do not have a recent statement we can get one for you online, if you are in our office and give us permission. We have proprietary software that will calculate you and your spouse’s income that should be expected over your life expectancies based on a variety of methods and timing of drawing Social Security.

Based on your desired retirement dates we are able to provide methods that may potentially increase total Social Security payouts over your lifetime. There are many options available such as drawing benefits from your spouse, ex-spouse, or deceased spouse and letting yours grow by 6 percent to 8 percent per year plus inflation adjustments between your “full” retirement age and age 70. We want to ensure you know about all the available options for your situation!